Back to: 9 Conversations (EN)
Get ready
- Look at the EU Skills Profile tool and think about how you are going to complete it.
- Bring any certificates that you have or maybe pictures of them.
- Start thinking about how your business idea matches your skills
During the meeting
The purpose of this meeting is to help you be aware of all your skills, knowledge and experience and to help you highlight those that are relevant for your future business. We will introduce you to two tools to help you do this. The interactive book below takes you through the different stages of the meeting.
After the Meeting
Complete your ePortfolio.
Prepare your next meetings with people who can help you build your Business Model Canvas.

To get the badge for this step you need to complete the reflections and the assignment in the ePortfolio: conversation 2.
Extra learning material “level 2 students”
Link to the video: Why are your skills and experiences relevant
All course participants can watch the video. The “level 2 students” will find an extra extra assignment related to the video on the next page “what have you learned”.