TISIP – Norway
The research foundation TISIP was founded in 1985. TISIP is a small R&D foundation located in Trondheim, Norway. TISIP act as a project organization with four permanent employees.
TISIPs main activities are:
- Research and development projects in ICT end eLearning, at national and European level
- Tertiary Vocational Education, certified by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education
- Tailor made e-learning for industry
- Courses in ICT and Teacher training
- Editor of 17 Norwegian Text books
Norwegian University of Science and Technology – Norway
NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a university with an international focus, with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Ålesund and Gjøvik. The academic community participating in this project belongs to the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering – Department of Computer Science – Applied Information Technology.
The research group Applied Information Technology (AIT) at NTNU has been working with e-learning courses and e-learning pedagogy for more than 30 years and we have been pioneers in online continuing professional education in Norway.
Diethnes Panepistimio Ellados – Greece

IHU – International Hellenic University (Diethnes Panepistimio Ellados) was formed by the merger of the former International Hellenic University with 3 Technological Educational Institutes (TEIs), Alexander of TEI of Thessaloniki, TEI of Central Macedonia and TEI of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. There are two main campuses in the city of Thessaloniki and the university has educational and administrative facilities in eight cities.
Based on the interdisciplinary nature of this project researchers coming from two Departments of UHI participate. This is the Department of Informatics and Electronic Engineering and the School of Economy and Business Administration. The Department of Informatics and Electronic Engineering has a long research experiencein the domains of Computer Based Learning environments and Web based Networked Learning/e-Learning. The School of Economy and Business Administration has the relevant experience in the domains of Business Organisation and Entrepreneurship.
Socialiniu projektu institutas – Lithuania
Social Projects Institute (SPI) – founded in 2015, with a strong, responsible institution management apparatus – is a private, independent organization, which is not subordinated either physically or morally for any commercial structure, political party, religious confession.
SPI goal: We strive for comprehensive progress in society.
Mission: Creating and implementing of social projects for public benefit: project development, provision of information of social interest, information exchange between institutions, research, surveys, exhibitions, trainings, competitions, support for citizens by helping to achieve or promote their legitimate goals.
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Italy

With its over 700 years of history, the Sapienza University of Rome has over 113,000 students, 3,300 teachers and 2,000 employees, technicians and librarians, in addition to 1,800 administrative staff in university hospitals. The mission is to contribute to the development of a knowledge society through research, excellence, quality education and international cooperation.
Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering – DIAG, estabished in 1983 have 70 facluties and 70 phd / post docs.
Internationally renowend research groups in computer science, system science and management science are active at DIAG. Basic research is the main goal, with strong emphasis on interdiciplinary research, on application that stimulate basic research, and on technology transfer and dissemination of results.
Associazione CReA ETS (Ente Terzo Settore) – Italy

CREA is a non-profit organization, founded in 2003, composed by professionals active in the field of migrants’ inclusion. It aims to promote training, cultural and research activities, concerning intercultural, environment and social-labour support. The members are linguistic cultural mediators, intercultural experts and teachers of Italian as second language, committed to promoting the integration of carriers of any type of difference and disadvantage.
The associates, Italians and migrants, have always worked in the field of the integration of migrants and social well-being, carrying out planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, supervision activities in the context of actions in favour of immigrants. Since April 2007, it is in the Register of the Council Presidency among the bodies working for migrants and since 2013 it is registered in the Lazio Regional Register and in the same year it became a non-profit organization.