ME2-Course materials
The second multiplier event was held in Rome, Italy, on the 19th of November 2019.
The aim for the event was:
- To learn from refugees and their supporting organisations
- To present some of the work done so far in 9-Conversations
- To have feedback of what we are doing
- To establish contact for further collaboration
The target group of the event was:
- Italian and European Authorities and Support Organisations for Migrants/Refugees
- Refugees and migrants
- The project team
The event was divided into several parts:
- Presentation of the work done in 9 conversations
- Some migrants and refugees stories from Italy
- The DISKOW project – synergies with another Erasmus+ having migrants and refugees among its stakeholders
- Step one of our course and how it should mentor, using the facilitation guide
Physically the event was organised at two parallel events, one in Rome and one in Valverde (Pavia). In Rome 41 persons took part in the event from different public and supporting organisations, projects and refugees. In Valverde, Ivana Mavenzi took care of the ME group, representing University of Rome. At Valverde 19 persons were present, including 6 Refugees from a camp in the area which could not be present in Rome.
Presentation of work done in 9 conversations
Thorleif Hjeltnes, the project manager,
gave a short introduction of the aims and the tasks in the
9-conversation project, and the role of the event as a communication channel.

Migrant Entrepreneurship cases and politics

Berbeglia presented European and Italian politics and projects for immigration,
followed by the success story of entrepreneurship from Gaston Biwole Ankafrikindi.

Atai Walimohammed (activist) told us his strong story from his escape from Afganistan to Italy and of his work at the ILA reception centre.
Synergies among Erasmus+ projects
The 9 Conversation project develops a course and other recourses to help immigrants become employed in their new countries, either as Entrepreneurs or as employees. In the Diskow project they use Big Data for finding jobs for immigrants.

Thorleif Hjeltnes presented 9Conversations at the Mulitiplier Event for Diskow and Ujwal Gadriraju presented the Diskow project at the 9 Conversation Multiplier event.
Even if the projects are quite different many aims are the same and it is important to exchange ideas and results among the projects to increase dissemination, utilisation and impact.
Official presentations
The following list contains the official presentations:
- Introduction by 9 Conversation’s project manager, Thorleif Hjeltnes. Download file.
- Presentation of IO1, IO2 and IO3 by project partner, Demosthenes Stamatis. Download file.
- Presentation of IO4 and IO6 by project partners Anne Fox and Marco Temperini. Download file.
- Presentation of IO7 by project partners Arne B. Mikalsen and Svein Even Skogen. Download file.
- The path to integration. A presentation by Paola Berbeglia. Download file.