ePortfolio conversation 9: what have you learned?

In your ePortfolio you should now add some reflections and answer the assignment presented below related to step 9: Your elevator pitch. Access to the ePortfolio will be given to you by your course provider.


  • Describe something you learned in this session.
  • Describe something that puzzled you in this session.
  • Describe something that one of your group colleagues did or said that you found helpful.
  • Describe something you want to find out more about as a result of today’s session.
  • How could the session be improved? Consider telling the facilitator.
  • What progress have you made on your personal BMC?
  • How are you meeting your SMART goal?

Assignment: Your elevator pitch

  • Prepare & deliver your elevator pitch (live, video, PowerPoint etc).
  • Give constructive feedback to at least one of your programme peers. 
  • Added a reflective entry to the ePortfolio that addresses at least one of the prompt questions in the reflections.