ME3 – The App
The third multiplier event was organised from Lithuania, as an international online event,
on the 20th of November 2020.
The aim for the event was:
- To learn from the supporting organisations in Lithuania
- To present some of the work done in 9-Conversations
- To have feedback of what we are doing
- To establish contact for further collaboration
- To exchange information and results with other EU projects for refugees
The target group of the event was:
- Lithuanian and European authorities
- Support organisations for Migrant / refugees
- The project team
- Other EU project groups working with relevant topics
The event was divided into several parts:
A) An overall presentation of Q&A, Life stories and the Evaluation tool in the project
B) A presentation of how the App works together with the rest of the 9 conversation resources
C) A presentation of the 9 steps of the course and how it could be implemented supported by the facilitation guide
D) Presentations from
— a) Jonava district Social Services Center
— b) Social Innovation Fund
— c) European Innovation Centre
Presentation of work done in 9 conversations
Thorleif Hjeltnes, the project manager, gave a short introduction of the aims and the tasks in the 9-conversation project.

Thorleif Hjeltnes started the 9 Conversation presentations in Zoom with 32 participants present. At all in the event participated 39 participants from Lithuania, Norway, Greece, Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Poland and Belgium.

Successful Life stories of migrant entrepreneurship is important role models.
Activities of Jonava district Social Services Center

Dr. Valentina Bereznaja-Demidenko, director of the service center presented the activities of the center, including social inclusion of immigrants and refugees.
9 Conversations the App

Arne Bjørn Mikalsen, CEO of Rethink Learning presented the Android App that can be used to connect all the resources developed in the project. In the App it is possible to take personal learning notes. A visualization of competences in entrepreneurship as a spiders web shows how progress is made during the 9 weeks entrepreneurship course.

How the App works was presented by the developer Svein Even Skogen.
Practical advices for facilitators, trainers, refugee consultants

Marco Temperini from University of Rome presented the 9 steps of the course.

The course map shows what activities that should be covered during the 9 weeks and how the resources available in the project can be used. The course can be reached from the App as well.
The facilitators guide

Anne Fox have developed a facilitator guide for how to plan and run the course. Both the guide and the course have been tried out in a small scale in a course in Denmark, not supported by the project.

The course is based on close dialog in small groups where the participants can discuss their experiences with meeting institutions like banks, municipal offices or small businesses when they work on their Business Model Canvas.
Facilitating the Integration of Migrants to the Labour Market through Adult Education

Dr. Živilė Jonynienė from Social Innovation Fund presented the EU project KYR. In the Know Your Rights project immigrant women are trained to understand the rights in the labor marked of their new countries.
NAME – New Actions for Migrant womEn

Deimantė Unikaitė, Project manager at European Innovation Centre presented the NAME project.
By having a possibility to have a glance into the work of other relevant EU projects where supporting organizations in Lithuania is an active part, strengthen the bonds between different actors in the field and also raises awareness of similar issues and challenges across Europe.
The hostess

Julita Pigulevičienė, partner in the project and one of the founders of Social Project Institute in Lithuania hosted the multiplier event. The event was planned as a physical event in the Spring this year, but was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If the situation for the partner countries changes during the Spring / Summer 2021, a follow up event in Lithuania is planned for.
Official presentation
The following list contains the official presentations:
- Introduction by 9 Conversation’s project manager, Thorleif Hjeltnes. Download file.
- The course and how to facilitate it. Download file.
- The 9 Conversations App. Download file.
- The Name Project. Download file.
- Facilitating the Integration of Migrants to the LabourMarket through Adult Education. Download file.
- Activities of Jonava district Social Services Center in the context of immigrant‘s integration in the local community. Download file.